Reynaldo - Senior Software Developer
Meet Reynaldo: backend developer, foundation builder and ultimate frisbee aficionado.
Reynaldo is responsible for building solutions that improves our customers relationship with their solar journey. This ranges from development of diagnostic algorithms to building APIs to help enhance our dashboard experience. Backend development is an essential component to all great software.
"Backend development is my version of my father's profession of being a mechanic when he works on cars engines. If the engine is bad, you can only go so far. The better the engine, the more opportunities and features you can build on top of it."
So, Reynaldo - what's your favourite thing about working at Solar Analytics?
"Solar Analytics has been a second family for me. The mission is something the whole company believes in and works towards. Much like a family, we work together continuously and we help each other become the best version of ourselves. Knowing that I'm doing my part to make the world a better place and working alongside some amazing talent has me come to work with a smile every day."